Saturday, December 10, 2016

Ian Bayne is Running for Mayor of Bloomington

Ian Bayne (Photo courtesy Facebook/Ian.Bayne)
Old news, but still worthy of a double facepalm; Ian Bayne has thrown his hat into the ring for mayor of Bloomington. Based on Bayne's history of making outrageous statements, it's fair to assume that this hat is made up entirely of tin foil.

For those who aren't familiar with Ian Bayne, he was the candidate in the 2014 GOP primary for the 11th congressional district who failed to garner more than 4% of the vote, and who made national headlines during that campaign - of the laughing stock variety - for referring to Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty fame as the Rosa Parks of our time. Apparently, in Bayne's world, pushing back against legitimate criticism of your own bigoted commentary is as courageous as facing the prospect of violence and incarceration for pushing back against actual bigotry. You just can't make this stuff up folks.

While the nation as a whole got to witness a single instance of Bayne's stupidity, we in central Illinois became accustomed to a steady diet after the failed candidate was hired to provide conservative commentary on a local radio station. Apparently, breathtaking stupidity is not an impediment for employment at Cities 92.9, the news and misinformation of central Illinois.

I've previously written about Bayne and some of his shenanigans while he worked at Cities 92.9, as have others, but believe me, volumes more could have been written. This guy is a real piece of work. Unsurprisingly, this clown was fired by Cities 92.9 after his obnoxious and noxious commentary led to declining ratings for the radio station.

I'm a bit mixed regarding my feelings about Bayne's candidacy. As a writer, I look forward to Bayne's victory, because I know I'll have plenty to write about. As a citizen who expects sanity in my government, I hope he loses big time.

Update: The fine citizens of Bloomington added another political loss to Bayne's growing list when only 14% of voters supported Bayne in the February 28th primary.

Don't go away mad Ian, just go away.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

The Trump Transgressions Timeline Part I

From the moment Donald Trump stepped into the political arena, his words and actions have demonstrated consistently that he is a racist, and a pathological liar who lacks the temperament and mental capacity to be the leader of the most powerful nation on the planet. We are in some very dark times my friends, and with that in mind, a much needed resource is a timeline of Trump's transgressions, lest they disappear down the memory hole. A one stop shop if you will, to read, and to weep, for our country's future.

This is very much a work in progress, as this president, and the people who make up his administration, demonstrate incompetence on a near daily basis. This is part I of the timeline, which is broken up into 6 sections (Pre-campaign Transgressions, Campaign Trail Transgressions, President Elect Transgressions, Pre-impeachment Transgressions, Post-impeachment/Pandemic Transgressions and Post 2020 Election Transgressions). Part II, Part III, Part IV and Part V can be found at the following links:

Trump Transgressions Timeline Part II - June 17, 2019 to March 1, 2020

Trump Transgressions Timeline Part III - March 1, 2020 to November 3, 2020

Trump Transgressions Timeline Part IV - November 4, 2020 to January 6, 2022

Trump Transgressions Timeline Part V - January 7, 2022 to March 29, 2023

Trump Transgressions Timeline Part VI - March 30, 2023 to the Present

Note to Donald Trump supporters: If you take issue with any of the entries in this timeline, then please try - if you can - to imagine the back side of a very large hand, and extending from that hand, straight up into the air, a lone middle finger. Only after you've conjured that image into your imagination will you have a clearer picture of what I think of your concerns.