Sunday, June 4, 2017

Cities 92.9 Fake News Roundup # 3

This fake news story is a bit old, but still worth mentioning here.

Shortly after the election of Donald Trump, a noticeable change took place at the studios of Cities 92.9. Rather than lying about things like unemployment statistics, or flamingos, or climate change from behind a facade of journalistic professionalism, they've now adopted a new arrogant tone that more closely aligns with the same level of nasty we've come to expect from our new commander in chief.

Cities 92.9 has always had a sneering tone of nastiness, but since the 2016 election, the intensity has increased significantly. One aspect of that increased nastiness is reflected in the attacks on institutions of higher learning. Cities talking heads have always found time to attack colleges and universities, and those so called "liberal elites" who reside there, but now those attacks have been incorporated into an official segment under an official name. The new segment is called "Campus Crybabies."

Whenever something occurs on a campus from anywhere in the world, Tom Davis will pounce on it if he thinks he can tie it to his perceived failings of those "bastions of liberalism." Naturally, if you've been listening to Cities 92.9, and been paying attention, you know there is always more to the story. This story is no exception. With that said, here's the next installment of the Cities 92.9 Fake News Roundup.

Claim: College wants to ban teachings of white philosophers.

On January 9, 2017, Tom Davis made the following claim:

TOM DAVIS: "Oh boy, some more campus cry babies. This time from Europe. Students at one of Europe's top universities - get this - they're calling for philosophers such as Plato, Socrates, Emanuel Kant, Bertrand Russell to be dropped from the curriculum because they're white."

Accuracy of Claim: False

The university Tom is talking about - but fails to name - is the School of Oriental and African Studies or SOAS. The name of the University is significant for purposes of context, since it becomes easier to understand why students at a University devoted to Eastern studies might have a preference for Eastern philosophers.

Each year at SOAS, the Student's Union creates a list of non-binding educational priorities that it would like to see incorporated into the curriculum. For the 2016/2017 year, that list  included the following:
"To make sure that the majority of the philosophers on our courses are from the Global South or it’s diaspora. SOAS’s focus is on Asia and Africa and therefore the foundations of its theories should be presented by Asian or African philosophers (or the diaspora)."
- and -
"If white philosophers are required, then to teach their work from a critical standpoint. For example, acknowledging the colonial context in which so called “Enlightenment” philosophers wrote within."
If you read the entire statement, you'll learn two things. First, that a request to drop philosophers because they are white is not present in the proposal.. The proposal simply asks that when a white philosophers' work is taught, that it be taught critically in the context from which it came. Secondly, you'll learn that Tom Davis couldn't possibly have read the proposal himself, he simply repeated what he heard or read in the right wing echo chamber.

There are serious criticism that can be made against this particular proposal, and a cursory search of the internet shows that some people have done just that. This right wing criticism isn't serious, it is simply a lie that Tom Davis is more than happy to repeat.

Origin of Claim: This story probably originated in the Daily Mail, which is a London based tabloid that churns out sensationalized stories on a daily basis, many of which seamlessly work their way into America's right wing media due to its un-quenchable thirst for sensationalism.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Selective Memory and Outrage at Cities 92.9

Tom Davis is outraged.
Tom Davis
(Photo courtesy All Access) 

Earlier this week, comedian Kathy Griffin posed for pictures with an effigy of Donald Trump's severed head. The photos created a backlash from people of all political persuasions, and got Griffin fired from some of her comedic gigs.

The incident, outrageous as it was, wasn't any more shocking or outrageous than the many incidents that occurred during Barack Obama's presidency in which effigies of the first African American president were hung or burned. There was even that time that Ted Nugent waved two machine guns on a stage during a performance while yelling "Obama, he's a piece of shit! I told him to suck on my machine gun!" Conservative newspapers have even printed cartoons of Obama that are blatantly racist:

Those incidents seem to have fallen into the Cities 92.9 memory hole. 

TOM DAVIS: "You know, I can think of the times that many people disagreed with the politics of Mr. Clinton, or Mr. Obama, not once did I see a severed head of those presidents anywhere in social media. However, when it comes to a person of the conservative persuasion, you know, death is always something that seems to be kind of like the tickle spot for some of those who just can't stand conservatives."

I don't recall seeing a severed head of those other presidents on social media either, but I've seen things that were just as bad, if not worse, from the conservative side of the spectrum. And when it happened during the Obama years, Obama and those around him - being classy people - said absolutely nothing. Donald Trump's son Donald Trump Jr on the other hand, used this incident as an opportunity to tarnish the entire left:

DONALD TRUMP Jr: "Disgusting but not surprising. This is the left today. They consider this acceptable. Imagine a conservative did this to Obama as POTUS?"

Of course, the only people who have to imagine a conservative doing something like this are those like Trump Jr, who chose to be willfully ignorant during the Obama years.

Cities 92.9 Fake News Roundup # 2

Claim: Researchers at MIT conclude that Paris Climate Accord would have little to no impact on the climate.

On June 2, Tom Davis made the following statement regarding the Paris Climate Accord, which Donald Trump had pledged to withdraw the U.S. from the day before:

TOM DAVIS:"When the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT for short, compiled the pledges and compared them with its own preexisting projection they found that the temperature reduction by the year 2100 was only 0.2 degrees Celsius. When the analysts compared the pledges with the projection created by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change back in 2000, they found, get this, no change at all."

Accuracy of Claim: Misleading

MIT issued a statement calling this talking point misleading after right wing news outlets began using it as a talking point in support of Trump's pledge to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Climate Accord.

From MIT's statement:

"The researchers in MIT’s Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change who led the relevant analysis find this statement to be misleading, for two reasons.

First, the 0.2 degree-figure used in the talking point reflects the incremental impact of the Paris Agreement compared with the earlier Copenhagen agreement.  If you instead compare the impact of the Paris Agreement to no climate policy, then the temperature reduction is much larger, on the order of 1 degree Celsius — 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit — by 2100. This would be a significant reduction in the global temperature rise, though much more is needed if the world is to achieve its goal of limiting warming to 2 degrees Celsius or less.

Second, the analysis accounts only for countries’ pledges under the Paris Agreement, assuming no further strengthening of the commitments in years after 2030. The Paris Agreement is a milestone of the ongoing UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, which is committed to ongoing annual meetings to regularly revisit and ratchet up nations’ climate goals, making them more ambitious over time."

Origin of Claim: Unknown

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Cities 92.9 Fake News Roundup # 1

Today is the first day of a new series here at Facepalming.

Occasionally, I'll post an instance or two in which the talking heads at Cities 92.9 pass along a false or misleading news story a.k.a fake news.

Most of the stories appearing here will probably have originated elsewhere, as Cities does a great job providing support for the vast right wing conspiracy, but hasn't shown much talent for generating fake news of their own. Not that they haven't tried, its just that their last major attempt at gaining traction off an original fake news story blew up rather spectacularly,

I'm calling this new series the Cities 92.9 Fake News Roundup. The format will first list the fake news claim, which will be taken from the podcast description when included. Next will be a quote from a Cities 92.9 talking head, which will then be followed with some information regarding the accuracy of the claim as well as the claims origins, when known,

With the Trump administration taking the reigns of power in just a few short weeks, and Cities already demonstrating an intent to misrepresent the actions and statements of that administration, I expect there will be no shortage of material over the next 4 years.

With that said, here's week 1 of the Cities 92.9 Fake News Roundup:

Claim: CA. Makes child prostitution legal;

On December 30, 2016, Tom Davis made this statement regarding child prostitution in California:
"Hell is probably where some people are gonna go after we light em up on this. Beginning January 1st in California, prostitution by minors will be legal."

Accuracy of Claim: False.

Describing it as Pants on Fire, Politifact dissects this misleading news story.


This story was first promoted by California State Assemblyman (R) Travis Allen, who wrote about it in an op-ed in the Washington Examiner, and who then paraded the story on right wing media shows where it naturally spread throughout the US and out of the mouth of our very own Tom Davis.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Trump Presidency Opens Up New Role for Cities 92.9

Tom Davis
 (Photo courtesy All Access)
If you've found yourself wondering - as I have - what role Cities 92.9 would play during a Trump presidency, wonder no more. Now that the election is behind us, that role - at least in part - has begun to reveal itself, and increasingly appears to be a role of re-writing history. Some might even call it peddling fake news.

A classic example of this phenomenon took place on December 29th, when morning talk show host Tom Davis took a call from Larry, a regular caller to the daytime talk show at Cities called The Morning Buzz.

During the call, Larry pointed out that students and alumni from Southern Illinois University were putting pressure on school administrators to make SIU a place of sanctuary for immigrants, and that this action was motivated by a perception that Donald Trump had made disparaging statements about Mexicans during his presidential campaign. Larry went on to say that the belief that Trump had made these disparaging statements was simply a product of fake news.

Tom Davis agreed, saying:
"They said that they were upset about Donald Trump, the way he described Mexicans as rapists and murderers, when Trump said some of these people who are coming across the border - who are illegal - are rapists and murderers"
So, if we're to believe both Larry and Tom, Trump wasn't saying anything disparaging about Mexicans, he was simply stating the obvious, which is that some people who come here from Mexico illegally are rapists and murderers. But is that what Trump actually said? Did he only say that some Mexicans, who are here illegally, are rapists and murderers? Well, here's Trump in his own words:
"When Mexico sends their people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."
Never mind that Trump's statement doesn't mention murderers, it also doesn't distinguish between legal and illegal, making that distinction a fiction that Tom Davis manufactured out of thin air.

More importantly, the statement doesn't say that some Mexicans are bad people, it says that some Mexicans are good people. And even more disturbing, is the inclusion of "I assume" in Trump's statement. When Trump says he assumes some Mexicans are good people, it means he isn't exactly sure.

Clearly, what Trump said, and what Tom Davis would like us to believe he said are  opposites. A bit ironic when the overarching topic Tom and Larry were talking about was fake news.

I expect we'll see a lot more whitewashing of the truth by the folks at Cities 92.9 over the next four years. Not surprising by any stretch of the imagination, it's what they do.